Kinds Of Character, English Language | STBA (Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing) -

Kinds Of Character, English Language | STBA (Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing)


Character is a person who presented in a narrative fiction or drama, which by readers are interpreted having certain quality and tendency of moral such as those which expressed in utterance and performed within action. (Abrams, 1981:20)
Character is an imagined person/figure/creature who exists or inhibits in a story. (Nurgiantoro, 2000:165)
Kinds Of Character, English Language
Foreign Language High School

Kind Of Character
  1. Based on the Importance
  2. Based on Character’s Function
  3. Based on Its Character
  4. Based on Character’s Development
  5. Based on the Reflection 
  1. Based on the Role / the Importance
    • Main/Central Character, The person / character who plays the important role in a literary work, Minor/Additional Character, The person / character who support the development of the story.
  2. Based on Character’s Function
    • Protagonist : A character which is admired by the audience; it may also be referred as the hero of a work.
    • Antagonist : A character that is directly opposed to Protagonist character.
      • Antagonistic Force : A thing that causes conflicts.
  3. Based on Its Character
    • Flat Character : A character that only has one simple character
    • Round Character : A character whose actions are difficult to  be  guessed.  He  usually   can   do surprising actions
  4. Based on Character Development
    • Static Character : A character that essentially doesn’t experience character changing or growing plot
    • Dynamic Character : A character that experiences a character changing or growing as a result of growing plot.
  5. Based on the Reflection
    • Neutral Character : A character whose existence is presented to meet the need of the flow of the story
    • Typical Character : A character that his personality existence is only little presented and more to his job quality and nationality

Character Analysis of Abe in The Old Man and The Little Boy

Abe is the major character in this story because he takes a part in most of the part of the story. Here Abe’s story is mostly majored in this fiction. Based on character’s function, Abe is the protagonist one, because every reader who read this story will give their sympathy to him. Based on its character, he can include as a flat character, cause he only has one simple character. He is a little boy (a seven-years-old boy) and a hard worker. He is an elementary school student but has a good spirit in facing his days, everyday in the morning he goes to school (pr. 1). After going home from school, he helps his grandfather to look for money by selling newspaper (pr.1). In the evening he usually sleeps only after finishing his homework from his teachers. He studies until midnight (pr.8) Based on the development, he includes as static character, because he keeps his character from the first until the end of the story. Abe is presented in this story only to meet the need of the story’s flow, therefore he is called as neutral character.

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